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Establishing a Foreign-Invested Enterprise in Vietnam: Navigating the Legal Landscape

Establishing a Foreign-Invested Enterprise in Vietnam: Navigating the Legal Landscape

Enterprise 26/09/2023

Vietnam, with burgeoning economy, strategic location, and favorable investment climate, has become an attractive destination for foreign investors. This article, Apolo Lawyers - Solicitors & Litigators (Tel:(+84) 903. 419. 479) will explores the key aspects of establishing a foreign-invested enterprise in Vietnam, including the investment regulations, the step-by-step process, the benefits, and the legal framework that governs such investments.

Regulations On Converting Companies

Regulations On Converting Companies

Enterprise 11/12/2023

In the ever-evolving business landscape, companies often find themselves adapting to changing circumstances to ensure their survival and growth. One such strategic move that has gained traction in recent years is the conversion of joint stock companies into one member limited liability companies. This transition offers several advantages and presents a fresh perspective on organizational structure and governance. For more detail, please contact Apolo Lawyers Law Firm via email or hotline: (+84) 903.419.479

Procedures for merging businesses

Procedures for merging businesses

Enterprise 21/07/2023

Business mergers are a very popular form of M&A today. The form of merger is chosen by many businesses to increase their competitiveness in the business environment. The following article will analyze regulations on business merger procedures. If you have any questions, please contact immediately Apolo Lawyers Law Firm via email or hotline - 0903.419.479 for legal advice and support.

Note about marriage conditions: Conditions that marital relationships involving foreign elements need to be aware of

Note about marriage conditions: Conditions that marital relationships involving foreign elements need to be aware of

Enterprise 05/09/2023

Marriage is a sacred institution that varies in its customs, traditions, and legal requirements across the world. In Vietnam, the institution of marriage is governed by a set of laws and regulations that define the conditions one must meet to enter into matrimony. Understanding these marriage conditions is crucial for anyone planning to marry in Vietnam or considering it as an option for future. In this article, we will explore the main keyword marriage conditions in Vietnam and delve into the secondary keywords: Vietnamese marriage requirements, legal age for marriage in Vietnam, marriage registration process, and marriage restrictions in Vietnam. In this article, Apolo Lawyers - Solicitors & Litigators (Tel:(+84) 903. 419. 479) will inform you about the issues about marriages fields.


Conditions For Foreigners To Enter Vietnam

Conditions For Foreigners To Enter Vietnam

Foreigners 09/11/2023

Vietnam, known for its breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, has become an increasingly popular destination for travelers and expatriates alike. However, before setting foot in this Southeast Asian gem, it is essential to understand the entry conditions that foreign visitors must adhere to. Please feel free to contact Apolo Lawyers Law Firm via email or hotline - 0903.419.479 for legal advice and support.

Resolving Individual Labor Disputes Over Bonuses According to Vietnamese Law

Resolving Individual Labor Disputes Over Bonuses According to Vietnamese Law

Foreigners 27/05/2024

Individual labor disputes over bonuses are a complex and common issue in labor relations in Vietnam. Understanding the relevant legal regulations will help workers protect right effectively. This article, Apolo Lawyers - Solicitors & Litigators (Tel:(+84) 903. 419. 479) will below is an overview of this topic, including legal regulations and the dispute resolution process.

Procedures For Granting Temporary Residence Cards To Foreigners In Vietnam

Procedures For Granting Temporary Residence Cards To Foreigners In Vietnam

Foreigners 02/08/2023

A temporary residence card typically refers to an official document issued by the government that allows foreign nationals to live in that country for a specific period, usually for a temporary or non-permanent purpose. For more detail, please contact Apolo Lawyers Law Firm via email or hotline: (+84) 903.419.4790

Regulations On Expulsion Of Foreigners In Vietnam

Regulations On Expulsion Of Foreigners In Vietnam

Foreigners 03/10/2023

Expulsion refers to the process of expelling a foreign national from a country for various reasons, typically due to violations of immigration laws or other legal issues. It is a legal action taken by a government to remove individuals from its territory and return them to their country of origin or another country where they have legal status. For more detail, please contact Apolo Lawyers Law Firm via email or hotline: (+84) 903.419.4790


Legal Litigation Services in Individual Labor Disputes

Legal Litigation Services in Individual Labor Disputes

Dispute 29/05/2024

Individual labor disputes are complex legal issues that arise when there is a disagreement between an employee and an employer regarding rights and obligations during the employment process. These disputes can involve salaries, working conditions, termination of employment contracts, and various other issues. In the context of Vietnamese law, resolving labor disputes requires extensive knowledge of labor law, making legal litigation services an optimal solution for many employees. This article, Apolo Lawyers - Solicitors & Litigators (Tel:(+84) 903. 419. 479) will analyze these sectors and what investors need to know to ensure compliance with the law.

Blackmail laws and the legal consequences and protections

Blackmail laws and the legal consequences and protections

Dispute 22/12/2023

Blackmail and threats pose serious legal implications in Vietnam, with the legal system in place to protect citizens from such coercive actions. This article, Apolo Lawyers will explores what constitutes a crime for threatening and blackmailing, shedding light on legal regulations and the safeguards in Vietnamese law.

Transferring land use rights in investment projects to build and sell housing for sale

Transferring land use rights in investment projects to build and sell housing for sale

Dispute 24/04/2024

Receiving the transfer of land use rights in an investment project to build and sell housing for sale always poses many risks for the transferee if the transferee does not thoroughly understand the law. So, when deciding to transfer land use rights in these projects, what issues should you keep in mind? Lets join Apolo Lawyers Law Firm to learn about things to keep in mind when transferring land use rights in investment projects to build and sell housing for sale through the article below. If you need advice, please contact Hotline: 0903.419.479 for the fastest support.

Top Reasons Why Businesses Should Opt for Commercial Arbitration to Settle Disputes

Top Reasons Why Businesses Should Opt for Commercial Arbitration to Settle Disputes

Dispute 22/07/2023

In today fast-paced business landscape, conflicts and disputes are an inevitable part of conducting commercial activities. When disagreements arise, it is crucial for businesses to have an effective dispute resolution mechanism in place to ensure a fair and timely resolution. There are many modes of dispute settlement, with the same destination being an effective judgment or decision of the dispute settlement agency, but Commercial arbitration is a superior dispute resolution mode to the Court. In this post, Apolo Lawyers (Tel: (+84) 903. 419. 479) will give the top reasons Why Businesses Should Opt for Commercial Arbitration to Settle Disputes


Unilateral divorce in absence of a spouse in Vietnam

Unilateral divorce in absence of a spouse in Vietnam

Divorce 27/08/2022

You consider that if you get a unilateral divorce in absence of a spouse from the Court, will your divorce request be accepted? The answer is yes. For more detail, please contact the Divorce service Department of Apolo Lawyers via Hotline: ((+84) 903.419.479) to be consulted quickly and efficiently.

How to get custody of children after divorce

How to get custody of children after divorce

Divorce 29/08/2022

When the husband and wife have not found a common voice, separation is inevitable. However, the issue of custody of children is something that causes husband and wife headaches because both want to gain custody of children. So how to get custody of children after divorce? The following article by Apolo Lawyers (Hotline: (+84) 903.419.479) will give you some perspective on this issue.

The Quickest Way To Prepare A Divorce Petition

The Quickest Way To Prepare A Divorce Petition

Divorce 25/08/2022

If you want a quick divorce, you must prepare a divorce application correctly, follow the form in accordance with the law so as not to be rejected by the Court or return the divorce application to amend and supple, so it will take a lot of time. Apolo Lawyers - Solicitors & Litigators will help you solve this problem.

Your submission has been sent

Your submission has been sent

Divorce 01/08/2022

Your information has been sent to APOLO LAWYERS - Solicitors & Litigators, the member of Ho Chi Minh city Bar Association, the subordinate unit of the Vietnam Bar Federation.


Investment Lawyers in Vietnam

Investment Lawyers in Vietnam

Investment 17/07/2023

Investment lawyers in Vietnam possess specialized knowledge and expertise to guide both domestic and international investors through the intricate legal frameworks, ensuring compliance, mitigating risks, and maximizing opportunities. In this article, we will explore the role of investment lawyers in Vietnam, their key responsibilities, and why their services are indispensable. If you have any questions that need to be answered, please contact Apolo Lawyers Law Firm via email: or hotline - 0903.419.479.

Unlocking Foreign Investment Capital Inflows

Unlocking Foreign Investment Capital Inflows

Investment 15/08/2023

Vietnam has emerged as one of the most attractive destinations for foreign investment in Southeast Asia, owing to its stable economic growth, strategic location, and business - friendly environment. The Vietnamese government has taken significant steps to encourage and facilitate foreign investment capital inflows. In this article, we will delve into the mechanisms, incentives, sectors, and procedural ease that contribute to the increasing influx of foreign investment capital under Vietnamese law.

Regulations On Securities Investment Companies

Regulations On Securities Investment Companies

Investment 09/11/2023

Security Investment Companies, commonly known as investment firms or asset management companies, play a pivotal role in the global financial ecosystem. These entities facilitate the process of investing and managing various securities on behalf of individuals, institutions, and corporations. For more detail, please contact Apolo Lawyers Law Firm via email or hotline: (+84) 903.419.479

Regulations Banning Debt Collection Services

Regulations Banning Debt Collection Services

Investment 12/09/2023

Currently, the Investment Law 2020 is built on the basis of the principle of eliminating some industries and selecting some new ones business investment prohibited, including regulations on debt collection services. Please contact hotline 0903.419.479 or via email for detailed advice from Apolo Lawyers Law Firm. We always aim to solve problems quickly, accurately, timely and effectively.
