Enterprise 05/09/2023
Note about Marriage Conditions: Conditions that marital relationships involving foreign elements need to be aware of
Marriage is a sacred institution that varies in its customs, traditions, and legal requirements across the world. In Vietnam, the institution of marriage is governed by a set of laws and regulations that define the conditions one must meet to enter into matrimony. Understanding these marriage conditions is crucial for anyone planning to marry in Vietnam or considering it as an option for future. In this article, we will explore the main keyword marriage conditions in Vietnam and delve into the secondary keywords: Vietnamese marriage requirements, legal age for marriage in Vietnam, marriage registration process, and marriage restrictions in Vietnam. In this article, Apolo Lawyers - Solicitors & Litigators (Tel:(+84) 903. 419. 479) will inform you about the issues about marriages fields.
a) Legal Capacity: Both parties must be of legal capacity to marry, which generally means they are of sound mind and have reached the legal marriageable age.
b) Legal Age: The legal age for marriage in Vietnam is 18 years old for males and 16 years old for females. However, individuals aged 16 to 18 may marry with parental consent and approval from local authorities.
c) Marital Status: Both parties must be single and not currently married to anyone else. Polygamy is illegal in Vietnam.
d) Consanguinity: Marriage between close blood relatives is not permitted in Vietnam. The law prohibits marriage between immediate family members, such as siblings, parents, and children.
Note about Marriage Conditions: Conditions that marital relationships involving foreign elements need to be aware of
a) Marriage Application: Couples must submit a written application to the local authorities where one or both of them reside.
b) Verification of Eligibility: The local authorities will verify that both parties meet the legal requirements for marriage, including age, marital status, and consanguinity.
c) Marriage Certificate: Once eligibility is confirmed, the couple is issued a marriage certificate, which serves as legal proof of the marriage.
d) Ceremony: While the registration is the legal aspect of marriage, many couples in Vietnam also have traditional wedding ceremonies to celebrate people union.
Note about Marriage Conditions: Conditions that marital relationships involving foreign elements need to be aware of
a) Mental Capacity: Individuals with severe mental disorders may not be allowed to marry if they are deemed incapable of giving informed consent.
b) Foreign Nationals: Marrying a foreign national may require additional documentation and approvals, depending on the circumstances. This is to prevent marriages of convenience for immigration purposes.
c) Bigamy: As mentioned earlier, bigamy is strictly prohibited in Vietnam. Anyone found to be married to more than one person can face legal consequences.
Note about Marriage Conditions: Conditions that marital relationships involving foreign elements need to be aware of
The marriage ban in Vietnam has generated considerable controversy both domestically and internationally. Critics argue that it infringes upon the rights of individuals with mental disorders, potentially perpetuating discrimination and stigma. Some see it as a paternalistic approach that assumes people with mental illnesses are incapable of making important life decisions, including marriage. Others believe that it does not go far enough in protecting vulnerable individuals and that it should be more comprehensive in its scope.
The issue of marriage bans extends beyond Vietnam and is a topic of global concern. Various countries have different approaches to similar issues, reflecting diverse cultural, legal, and ethical perspectives. International human rights organizations and advocates often scrutinize such bans, pushing for a more inclusive and rights-based approach to marriage.
Contact Apolo Lawyers via email: contact@apolo.com.vn and hotline: (+84) 903.419.479 for more information.
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